Monday, February 21, 2011

There are no fish under the ice...

Except really big ones.
This is a great catch through the ice!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Brewer Family Easter Party

We always look forward to the Easter Party at Rich & Jane's.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Family - Minus Ashley and Melissa

One more down, two more to go (and Heidi much later)

Jeff just proposed to his sweetheart Melissa Osterloh last week. We are all pretty excited for them and and their future as well as having Melissa part of the Brew Crew.
(click on her name to see more photos)

Felicitades Hermano Joe.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Wedding of Cousin/Nephew Danny Brewer

The whole family was able to go down to St. George to support Danny Brewer and His Bride Jeanna. It was a very nice service and they are off being married.

The Brewer Ladies: Melissa(hopefully soon to be), Ashlie, Grandma Brewer, Susie B, Heidi and Ally, Jaimi and Emma, Amy (Young)Taylor

We had a lot of fun together playing tether ball at the condo, long-boarding, and cruising around time. Jeff's gal Melissa's family has a home there so we all went swimming one night and played some settlers.

Dallas's birthday was going to be the next week and Melissa's had just past or is coming up so when we were all at Red Robin Saturday night West couldn't resist tipping off the staff and having the crazy annoying birthday chant done for them both.

This is especially funny for us because when Dallas turned 16 years old we were at Red Robin in Layton and Dallas just absolutely did not want them to sing happy birthday to him. Of course we as brothers saw his pleadings to not have it as just the opposite. So we tipped off the servers and they came and Dallas got so mad and embarrassed he balled like a baby. I cannot even begin to explain how funny it was, wish we had it on video. So Happy Birthday Dallas. ( we will put pictures of his real birthday a bit later.)

So one of the funnest things we did while in St. George was go to this great park. (There is a video showing all the cool playground toys on West and Jaimi's blog) It was a good time for young and old. There was this 10-12 ft climbing wall that was pretty cool. Most every one summited the the great height. The younger more athletic 4 brothers had a race to the top, king of the climbing wall, no rules, all out brawl. It was great, there was one shining star though and he is... well just watch and see for yourself.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Momma Susie B's Birthday


Well there could not have been a better subject with which to start blogging about. Our Mom.
Who knows what birthday this was,(see mom...we can keep secrets!) but she is doing and looking great!

This was a project that all 5 of the boys have had versions of at one time or another but Dallas helped get it to realization. It is a shadow box of the missions that each of her 5 boys served. It was pretty great to see her open it. You did good mom.

Ally and Emma making their craft picture frame present. Tom and Dallas just chillen as they most often do.

The grandparents all squosen (great new word) up there. The sisters of the Brewer Family.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Hair Teaser

This thing is crazy. And this is about how it makes you feel. Happy.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

I should have been a Cowboy! Some of us are pretty close though eh.

Jeff was on the organizing committe this year with his suegro and scored us all some tickets. It was a great time at the Rodeo. The boys have been going every year for quite some time. This was the first year in a long time we all went. It was a ton of fun and highly recommended to others.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Manti---Home of the Mormon Miracle Pageant

The whole family, except Thomas, went to the Manti pageant this year. We had a great time and the pageant was really great. We ate dinner at the Manti Stake Center, grilled Turkey, it was delicioso. Then we walked around town talking and havng fun. Some How Jacob ended up on top of the local Post Office chasing a soccer ball, and Ally felt that she had to go and roll on every single front lawn we passed. We finally made it back to the Temple and enjoyed the spirit and show from our "special/secret" spot, that Susan has all hidden. You guys should go next year.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Happy Fathers Day


Dad... You taught me to fly high and go big, thanks. Jacob

Papi, te amo. Gracias for my good looks

Grandpa and his girls

Grandpas never seem to get in trouble for this stuff

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

If I were a pioneer...

Following Opa's Mission Trail

This is the house Opa lived in on his mission 60 years ago

Elder Brewer and Elder Brewer

Dallas and Thomas were able to spend a few p-days together before Dallas came home.

The Last Elder Brewer

Thom BRT'ing "Building Relationships of Trust"

Thomas and his Strippling Warriors

Just a nice clean game of futbol

Ladies...only 18 more months!